
ADHD Treatment Centre

Rejection Sensitivity Disorder and ADHD

Rejection Sensitivity Disorder and ADHD

No one likes to be rejected, criticised or fail. But people with ADHD feel the emotional response to these inevitable life experiences much more extremely than neurotypical people. This is known as Rejection Sensitivity disorder and is a symptom for many with ADHD....

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Crisis Support

Crisis Support

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide crisis support to our patients and do not operate a service outside of your appointment times. Further, due to the nature of our work, we are often not able to respond to telephone messages immediately. For these reasons, we ask...

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Dating and Friendships with ADHD

Dating and Friendships with ADHD

ADHD is not always easy, many have shared disappointments and embarrassment over the years. But most people with ADHD can push past setbacks, adapt to new strategies and troubleshoot complex problems. ADHD people often have many positive qualities to bring to their...

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Preparing for your assessment

Preparing for your assessment

Pre-Screening Assessment Complete an online assessment to determine if you currently have ADHD symptoms. The process only takes 10 minutes and we will email you your results Preparing for your video assessment Find a comfortable space that is private where you cannot...

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Understanding Women and ADHD

Understanding Women and ADHD

For many women and girls with ADHD, the severity of their symptoms will fluctuate throughout the month closely tied to their hormone cycles. Most women find the severity of their ADHD symptoms increases with major changes in their hormones such as puberty, menstrual...

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