ADHD Treatment Centre

01. How can an ADHD Assessment Help?

An ADHD assessment is the first part of the process to get help and support with your ADHD.

We understand ADHD has many effects on day to day functioning, poor memory, lack of focus, short attention span, poor organisation, unable to remain on task due to being easily distracted, time blindness.

All of these things make daily tasks extremely difficult for a person with ADHD resulting in lateness, incomplete activities, items needed for the day, or appointment’s/ meetings easily forgotten.

Those that have the Hyperactivity element, (not everyone with ADHD has hyperactivity) face other challenges, they experience extreme impatience, impulsiveness, lack of inhibition, excessive talking, inability to sit still. What these things mean for that person is a poor sense of danger, more likely to take risks, difficulty waiting their turn, queuing, fidgeting and may speak impulsively without thought.

If left undiagnosed and untreated ADHD and the symptoms it brings can lead onto other conditions such as anxiety and depression which can result in misdiagnosis.

People with ADHD are often mistakenly thought of as lazy, rude, inconsiderate, defiant or as having a lack of intelligence as the condition is unfortunately misunderstood.

A Diagnosis can help you to understand yourself and the treatment options available.

02. What does an assessment involve?

The assessment process consists of discussions with your allocated ADHD Clinician, and where appropriate the patients family members may be included ( partners, parent or guardian ) to gather information regarding past and recent challenges and patterns of behaviour.

Assessment of children will include observations and NICE standardised clinical questionnaires.

Multiple professionals may take part in carrying out these assessments and on occasions you may see one or more of our multidisciplinary team.

03. What can I expect following an assessment?

Once all areas of your assessment is complete, your clinician will evaluate the results and inform you of the outcome of your assessment.

The Clinician will explain the most appropriate treatment options available to you.

You will receive confirmation of the outcome assessment in writing.

Should medication be necessary and you have chosen to pursue, a treatment. initially you would need to obtain the prescription from the ADHD Treatment Centre and pay for this privately as NHS services will not take responsibility for this immediately after a private diagnosis.

The ADHD Treatment Centre will provide you with the prescription for your medication. This may require you to have an appointment with a relevant Clinician who will analyse other medical information such as Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and any known medical conditions or current medication you may take. This helps to establish the most effective medication and dosage.

Your Clinician will then arrange to follow up with you every 3-4 weeks and make any adjustments to your medication regime that they may consider to be beneficial to you.

04. Who do we help?

Our clinicians will provide assessments for anyone over the age of 5 years old.